

Types of Audio Power

Car Audio Power Capacitors
Power capacitors or Stiffening capacitors are used to assist an automobile that has a problem with dimming lights (voltage sag) or to help tighten up the bass. These capacitors store a large amount of power and then release it very quickly when the demand is the greatest from the amplifier. These capacitors release the current much faster than a battery can and do not force the amplifier's power supply to be at a loss (due to a voltage drop) when bass notes and other transients are greatest. Capacitors should be chosen in the ratio of one Farad per thousand watts. Click Here to see how a power capacitor is wired in a car audio system.

Car Audio Batteries
If extended engine off listening is desired then a second battery can be useful. Keep in mind that this will put a greater strain on your charging system as well as add several hundred dollars for a second battery, dual battery isolator, and installation charges (or headaches for the DIY'er). If you are having problems with your charging system then you might need a new or larger alternator. Have it checked out by a qualified technician.

Features and terms that may be encountered with regard to wiring are:
Butt Terminals: This type of terminal resembles a long barrel and is used to connect small gauge wires together. These type are crimp terminals and considered less desirable than soldering when soldering is an option. These terminals are also sometimes referred to as crimp connectors though that term can apply to many variations of crimp terminal.
Deep Cycle: A battery usually reserved for marine use that can be drained and replenished many times. While popular years ago many installers have relegated this battery to system use only with a traditional car battery for main power.
Farad (F): The base unit of measure for capacitor storage. One farad is very larger and is equivalent to one million microfarads (uF).
Gauge: This refers to the diameter of the wire. The smaller the number, the larger the wire. Sixteen is common for speaker wire, eight is common for average size amplifiers, while four gauge and below is used for large amplifiers. For reference, four gauge wire is about the same diameter as the average male pinky finger.
Gel Cell: A type of battery that uses a gel type acid. These batteries can be desirable because they may be mounted upside down without the danger a standard type battery would pose.
Heat Shrink Tubing: A type of insulating plastic that resembles a drinking straw. A small portion of this tube is cut off and placed on a wire before soldering. After the connection is soldered and cooled, the tube is slid over the joint and shrunk around the wires by means of a heat gun or hot hair dryer.
Microfarads (uF): The more common unit used to measure capacitor storage. One million microfarads is equivalent to one Farad.
OFC: An abbreviation for oxygen free copper. This is the most desirable wire to buy and there is really no reason to buy any other kind. As the name implies it is pure copper that is free from oxygen impurities.
Spade Terminals: A type of terminal used on most speakers. The type found on speakers are male spades while the ones used to connect to these terminals are female spades. These terminals are also referred to as quick disconnects though this name can apply to many different types of terminals that come apart quickly.
Voltage Rating: Referring to the amount of voltage a capacitor is rated to handle. The very least a capacitor used for reinforcement should be rated at is 16 volts while 20 volts is much more desirable and available on the slightly more expensive capacitors.

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